Friday, August 22, 2014

How far does space go?

A commentary by Picasso 5784
How far does space really go?

     Sounds like a very difficult question.

First thing people ask is,
"What's holding
up  space?"

     Next thing you know, there are animated video clips of Aliens playing marbles with what looks like a bunch of different Galaxies.

     I call it playing with peoples imaginations. Cool, Its funny, and we enjoy all the videos and hype, but what about space?
Lets start out with "Common Sense".
  We all know that there is an empty (void) a space between you and me, between your fingers between all that is around you.
 This space is called "Nothing".

You cannot see it.
You cannot grasp it.
You cannot touch it, or taste it.
 It does not have a beginning or an end to it. Nothing is everywhere. As a matter of fact, there is more nothing everywhere then there is real matter.
You can feel the wind blowing because of the moisture in the skies called "clouds" moving above us, pushing air atmosphere downward towards the ground.
The rotation of our planet,
and the cold air which comes down from "Freezing space" .

 The warmth from the Sun which our atmosphere shades us from, burning to Death. You can feel the force of the atmosphere as the wind pushes pressure against your face or your hands and arms when you stick them out the window of your car while driving , or when you swing your arms really fast around yourself, or turn a fan on.
 What you feel is actually caused by Earth's atmosphere mixture.
Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements. Our atmosphere also contains water vapor. In addition, Earth's atmosphere contains traces of dust particles, pollen, plant grains and other solid particles.

 We exist because of the kind of atmosphere we have here on Earth.
 Millions of years ago our atmosphere was very different,  How different?  So different that we had the existence of large  Dinosaur's

 Dinosaur's existed for millions of years on this planet.  Evolving as  millions of years went by.            The atmosphere would also change as the millions of years went by. If the atmosphere were to be the same today as it was when dinosaur's existed,  we would probably feel really super light. we would probably run faster and jump further.  

Because the atmosphere was so different, so was gravity,   meaning that,  millions of years before the dinosaur's existed,   when our planet was barely cooling down,   there was even less gravity.
 Without gravity you are not going to be able to swing your arms and feel anything but the pressure of space crushing you to death.

We cannot exist in space, because we weren't developed to exist in space. We are weak and fragile in space. We are very small and tiny in space.  We were developed to exist on a small planet, covered in a blanket called, atmosphere, which protects us from  the deep dark freezing cold in space,  and the hot Sun's ray's from the Sun,  and even most small meteorite's

We are all spoiled, small and tiny and fragile compared to most everything in outer space.
Knowing this now you can get an idea of what nothing is. It is the empty invisible void that is everywhere all around our planet and in ourselves. It is in our bodies, and in everything. Now just stop and think for a moment, How far then does this empty void called "Nothing" go?


How about forever. "Nothing" has no end, It has no beginning. Then we cannot say exactly where in space our planet is actually located

Certainly not the center of space. Because there is no center. Our planet is located where it is at, and we are here.  Now if you point in any direction out into space, which ever direction that might be, space never ends in any direction you point. It will continue to go forever into the empty void called nothing and millions upon millions of planets  and galaxies will continue to appear forever.

Lets make a point, Lets imagine for a moment that we could travel in space , in a very special space ship that would never let you age or get old. You would take a trip into space heading directly away from Earth, and travel for a very long time, hundreds of  millions of years away from Earth you look back and you have no idea which way Earth was at.

      If you were to miss judge by just a fraction of an inch in the direction of where you think Earth was at, you could easily miss earth by millions of miles and not know in which direction you missed it by.   Imagine now, so many millions of beautiful galaxies along the way. So many millions of beautiful planets, and it Never....Ever...Ever...Ends. It just keeps on going and going. "Nothing" Has No End. There is no such thing as the center of space. Space is so vast, and has so many millions of planets in every direction.

We for sure are not the only life that exists in space. We are not the only planet that exists that has atmospheres on it. But in reality, we still to this day cannot travel far enough into space to reach those planets and galaxies yet.

Our life span can also be "understood" by the type of atmosphere we exist in.  What we are made of, and how our body mass, tissue, cells and molecules function is because of the kind of  atmosphere that exists here on Earth.

 What is the secret to a longer life? We ask ourselves?  Maybe a different size planet with a different type of atmosphere,  which by the way,  we would need to have lived on that planet and develop there for millions of years.  Of course we would probably be made of a different and tougher molecular structure, according to the atmosphere mixture on that planet.

With all the millions of planets in space that sustain life on them, the atmosphere and gravity on any one of those planets out there would have to be able match the Earths atmosphere and gravity to the tee in order for it to sustain any human being from Earth today, It would have to be exactly the same size as our planet Earth, and the same distance from a Sun as our Earth is from our Sun, and the rotation of the planet would need to be exactly as Earths rotation around our Sun. The axis point of that planet  would have to be the same as Earth too, and the moon would also need to be the same as well.

What about  the density of space?. I think that space has a density much like our ocean the deeper you dive down the colder the water gets.   Imagine space having extremely large distorted masses floating around, like globs consisting of millions and millions of miles in distorted circumference's constantly moving around in space. You can't see it move because of  how extremely large the mass is. It consists of a different temperature, and as the masses confront each other the different temperatures collied, and there are static storms on a grand scale, unimaginable.

But we are from planet Earth, and we are who we are, and this is our life style as humans on this planet. Who knows how fragile or how much stronger other living creatures or intelligent beings can be from another planets, or how much longer of a life span they can live compared to us here on Earth.

 It has taken millions and millions of years for our bodies to develop into the way we are at present, 2014. Take a human being from back about a few hundred thousand years ago and he/she would not be able to function the same as us today in our time because of the different foods, quality air and water (atmosphere). Our atmosphere was very different back then. You could compare it to almost the same as climbing in high altitudes, the oxygen levels are thinner and it will take you a little longer to catch your breath. you feel a little light headed, and a kind of motion sickness feeling, you feel heavier, and sluggish. So what applies here,  also applies in other planets. Gravity is gravity, no matter how far you go anywhere,  in any direction.

Of course it will vary in strength depending on whatever atmosphere exists on those planets that sustain life like our planet Earth. A living planet of course that consists of a planet that has a hot core, and just the right amount of time and location from another sun just positioned in the right place to function as our planet has.

The same goes for "Time" a second is a second no matter what you do. You or nothing that exists anywhere can ever control time. No matter how fast you can travel, you can't change time. You can't go back in time, and you most certainly can;t go forward in time.

 You might be able to get farther faster and save time but you cannot stop a second from ticking by, or ever bring it back. So "How Far Does Space Go?" So much more to discuss. So very much more.
Thank You for your time. Artist, PICASSO 5784


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